Nine Simple Ways to Boost Your Self-Confidence
Confident people are compelling. From the smooth ways they move and talk to the calm sense of certainty they exude at all times - it just looks like they have it all together.
It can be challenging to be confident in ourselves, especially when we’re doing something tough for the first time. In this article, I’ll share with you what self-confidence is, the benefits of having it and nine simple ways to boost your self-confidence.
What is self-confidence?
Self-confidence is having belief in yourself, trusting your own judgement and abilities, and being certain that you can face day to day challenges successfully.
Self-esteem is a term that’s used interchangeably with confidence, but it’s not exactly the same thing. Self-esteem has more to do with worthiness and how much you value yourself. When you have a healthy level of self-esteem, you believe you’re a person who deserves to be treated with respect and are worthy of love.
Self-efficacy is another term that isn’t as widely used but influences our levels of confidence. It’s similar to having a growth mindset. When we gain self-efficacy, we believe that practice makes progress - grit and overcoming obstacles is what will lead us to success.
The benefits of having self-confidence:
Healthy levels of confidence can make a massive difference in the quality of our lives. Here are a few examples:
Brings more happiness - when you’re feeling good about yourself and your capabilities, happiness and joy are a natural response
Have more time and energy - you spend less time doubting yourself and more time on the things that actually bring value to your life
More motivation - when you’re sure of yourself, you’ll be motivated to take action, share your ideas and seize more opportunities
Inspire people - confidence is attractive. And when people see you being confident, it influences them to step into this energy too
Increases self-worth - confident people value themselves. They have clear boundaries and have high levels of self-respect
Better social life - when you’re at a healthy level of confidence, people feel more comfortable around you and enjoy your company. No shortage of invitations here!
9 ways to boost your confidence
Own your strengths and weaknesses - we’re not going to be great at everything that we do. Celebrating your strengths and owning your weaknesses is a self-acceptance practice that will bring you confidence from the inside out.
Preparation is key - when gearing up for a big project like an important presentation, try doing a run through 1-3 times to work out any of the kinks that might come up. You’ll be smooth sailing and won’t second guess yourself when you practice this step.
Seek feedback - self-awareness is important, but it’s also helpful for us to know what our impact is on the world around us. Seeking feedback from people who know and love us can be a valuable exercise to remind us of our positive traits.
Tame your negative thoughts - it’s in our biology to respond negatively to tough situations. Instead of ruminating and limiting ourselves by believing false narratives, take some time to practice changing the story. If you can make up a scenario about failure, you can equally create one about success. What would success look like in this situation? Try believing that story instead.
Get out of your comfort zone - practicing confidence is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger you get. When we condition ourselves to venture out, our comfort zone expands, broadening our threshold for pursuing opportunities.
Like the way you look - you don’t have to be a particular size, shape or height to admire your body. If it helps, groom yourself in a way that enhances your appearance and find more ways to appreciate your looks.
Get grounded - Abraham Lincoln said “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I’ll spend the first four sharpening my axe”. In our society, we get gold stars for being busy, even if the actions are unproductive. Pause. Get present and think about what you want most and only focus on that.
Smile - studies show that smiling reduces stress and makes you happier. So when you need a positivity pick me up, try turning that frown upside down
Visualize your ideal outcome - before every race, Michael Phelps (the most decorated Olympian in history) visualizes the entire scene: the way the water feels on his skin, how many swimming strokes he’ll take and what the ceremony is like when he wins the gold medal. He imagines every small detail. When you’re preparing for a big event in your life, try spending time visualizing what the perfect outcome will be like.
There is such a thing to be overly confident, which can lead to adverse effects. Trying too hard to be confident could also be a way to shield yourself from your authentic self. True confidence is accepting yourself, even in your weaker or more vulnerable moments. You are exactly where you need to be.
Which of these confidence boosters would you like to practice?