#36 The Secret to Building Confidence w/ Sheena Yap Chan
When I first started surfing I pictured myself paddling for big waves, looking all cute in my bikini, like a legit surfer girl. Instead I had snot coming out of my nose, sand all up in my hair and my arms were awkwardly spread while trying to balance on my huge 11 foot foam board like I was doing the “walk like an egyptian dance”.
The whole ocean goddess vibe I was going for was a no go. And instead, I took a lot of beatings and I even broke my nose. Not what I was expecting when I took up the sport.
Over time my confidence grew, the size of the waves I went for got bigger and my surfboard got shorter. I surfed more places and paddled out with more frequency and eventually got the hang of it. Surfing finally became more pleasurable than painful.
Doing something for the first time can be hard, awkward or confusing. Remember how difficult it was learning how to drive a car? At the time, it took all of your focus. And now I’m guessing you can probably multi-task like crazy: switch lanes, sing Adele songs at the top of your lungs and apply lipstick all at once.. You gotta do what you gotta sometimes.
In my conversation with Sheena Yap Chan, speaker, coach and podcast host, she shares the secrets she learned to become super confident after interviewing over 700 women.
She talks about her journey growing up as an Asian woman and how cultural influences and biases make it difficult for women like us to become leaders and show up confidently.
Do you put everyone else first? Do you stay quiet instead of speaking up? Do you doubt yourself regularly? You’re not alone.
You’ll hear sage advice on how to gain confidence and use your power to be the best version of yourself.