#56 Relationship Advice: Treat It Like a Business


You know what’s unconventional?

My partner and I legit schedule our sexy time on the calendar. 

We also spend two nights apart each week and sleep in separate beds.

And every month we set aside at least an hour to learn new relationship skills by reading books or digging through social media content together. 🤓

It might seem kinda odd but doing these things really helps us stay connected.

I used to think rules and tools like this had no place in a relationship. It’s so business-like and takes away from the romantic aspect - the spark. But to be honest, having these practices has brought us closer together, helps us avoid conflict and grows us as a couple.

The time we spend apart creates space for us to meet our own needs so we have more energy to support each other and spend more quality time together.

In this week’s podcast episode I share 7 relationship tips that my partner and I use that are weirdly similar to business.

Listen to Episode 56 now

I spent years in relationships expecting them to magically work. I assumed love and affection was all you needed to succeed.

Today, I know that healthy and secure relationships don’t just happen. They are built intentionally, with you two showing up as a team. You need more structure than you think.

Bottom line - you gotta do what works, even if it seems unromantic or unsexy at times. Because when you are intentional in this way, it can create more space for all the sexy and romantic things.

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