#62 Five Questions to Find Your Life Purpose


I spent the first 30 years of my life not knowing what I wanted to do. I was directionless. It’s crazy, because a lot of people who knew me would’ve probably said the opposite. That I totally had my shit together.

Here’s why: 

I drove a BMW. Starting making a six-figure salary in my 20’s. I was working at some of the biggest names in the tech industry like Ebay, Adobe and PayPal.

I was a successful person according to society’s definition of success.

But the problem was that I didn’t feel successful.

And because I didn't feel great after doing all the things I was supposed to do, I thought I was broken. Like there was something really wrong with me.

But instead of trying to get to the root of the actual problem (finding a new path), I powered through and tried to make it work. There I was, a square peg repeatedly trying to shove myself through a round hole. Literal insanity.

That didn’t pan out obviously. And to cope, I began to overwork, drink too much and do a lot of other things that were not good for my well-being. This went on for years.

Then divine intervention stepped in and a lightbulb went off. I had an insight that completely changed my belief system. It gently pointed me away from the auto-pilot life I was living and in the direction of something more meaningful, more joyful and more fulfilling.

I knew in my bones that there was another path I could take that would have me feeling more on point. Like how I feel on vacation, but like permanently. It was real and all I had to do was find it.

In this week’s podcast episode, I speak all about the topic of purpose and tell the story of how I went from just going through the motions to how I changed my life and career in a big way by aligning with my own intrinsic feeling of success vs. what society expects of me.

If you listen to the show, you’ll learn the 5 questions that I’ve used for hundreds of clients and students to find their life purpose and help them take meaningful steps towards achieving their biggest goals.

Listen to Episode #62 now

Are you at a point in life where you want to connect with your purpose? 

Do you feel it’s time to make some changes so you can feel more fulfilled everyday?

Would you like some support with that?

If you answered yes to these questions, I’m hosting a FREE masterclass series for a limited number of people who are ready to take the next steps towards creating meaningful work and living a more purposeful life.

Note: The series is first come first serve and it’s filling up fast. I’ve got only 5 spots left in this upcoming cohort. 

If you sign up after the group is filled, no worries. I’ll put you on the waitlist for the next one in that will be in the next couple of months.

To sign up, head to Instagram and DM @theundercurrentpodcast with the word “PURPOSE” and we’ll send you the details.