#64 How Perfectionism Holds Women Back


How long does it take for you to get ready in the morning? 30 minutes? 45 minutes? 

I’m kinda embarrassed to share this but sometimes it would take me over an hour and a half to get ready just for work.

That’s ninety whole minutes I took each morning to blow out my hair, apply mascara and stand in front of my closet trying to decide which pair of the many black heels I owned that best matched my OOTD.

I could have used that precious time to sleep more, work out or enjoy a nice, healthy breakfast. But instead, I rushed out the door already late, hungry and stressed out just to make sure my outfit, makeup and hair were on point.

I needed to look perfect. Every. Single. Day.

Do you struggle with perfectionism? 

It’s something a lot of women and especially women of color battle with.

There’s a saying in the black community, “You gotta work twice as hard to get half as far”.

And it isn’t just an aphorism, there’s some truth to it for BIPOC, women and other marginalized communities.

Studies show that women are better educated but undervalued. We graduate from college at higher rates than men but get paid less - even in the exact same roles.

The pay gap is even bigger if you’re a woman of color. We lose out on millions of dollars over the course of our careers compared to white men because of the gap.

And it’s not because we’re settling either. Women negotiate for promotions and ask for raises more often than men. But not one’s even trying to hear it.

We gotta work harder and be perfect and still aren’t valued the same.

In this week’s episode I’m going to talk all about perfectionism: what it is, the different types of perfectionism (the good, the bad and the ugly), the causes, the signs, how it affects WOC and helpful tips to overcome it.

Listen to episode #64 now

These days, I definitely don’t spend as much time getting ready. I’m lucky if I brush my hair or even wear shoes.

The process of healing has been a long journey and I’m still on it. I think it will always be something I’m working on.

If you struggle with perfectionism too, I’m here with you, alongside you. And hope this helps in any way wherever you’re at in your journey.

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