#67 Ten Productivity Tips to Help You Stay Focused and Get Shit Done


Do you struggle with getting things done?

Ever have this feeling at the end of the day that you could be more productive? Maybe you didn’t do what you actually wanted to do? Or you just feel unsatisfied with how your day went?

I know how this feels all too well. I’ve wrestled with the idea of productivity my whole life.

Some days I feel on fire and super accomplished. And other days, feel guilty about how UNPRODUCTIVE I WAS.

Back in my 9-5 days, I’d get to work and have a big to-do list in front of me. And at the end of the day, it seemed like the list was longer than when the day started!

To make things worse, I’d look around the office and it seemed like everyone else around had their shit together except for me which made me feel helpless and out of control.

I got sick of being in these situations, it was draining and started to affect my mental health.

So I decided the days of always feeling behind the 8-ball were over and I committed to learning how to work with more focus and effectiveness.

I’m spilling all my secrets with you in this week’s podcast episode: Ten Productivity Tips to Help You Stay Focused and Get Shit Done.

Listen to Episode #67 Now

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